Mp3 Download song Revolution Tomorrow FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Revolution song lyrics

Revolution - Tomorrow Lyrics

Tomorrow comes and then it goes,
What do we even care?
We're not about all the looks,
Or the clothes we wear,
If we started off the same,
Why are we going sifferent ways?

Do you even realise,
We're living in a compromise?
We start out young and new,
But are destroyed by misled youth,
We're never really satisfied,
After each time we've tried.

Tomorrow comes and then it goes,
What do we even care?
We're not about all the looks,
Or the clothes we wear,
If we started off the same,
Why are we going different ways?

So you can dream of all your fantasies,
You can try and face reality,
But back down once more,
With a heart feeling sore,
Because you can't be saved now,
It's not going to happen!

Tomorrow comes and then it goes,
What do we even care?
We're not about all the looks,
Or the clothes we wear,
If we started off the smae,
Why are we going different ways?

Every d
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